Saturday, July 5, 2008

I should have never ...

I should have never let someone make me feel less important than they are.

I should have never promised to do something I was too busy to do because I was afraid to hurt the requestor’s feelings.

I should have never worn new sandals on the first day of my vacation.

I should have never believed that women can’t be successful in business.

I should have never allowed anyone to make me feel that my advocacy for my children was worthless and not meaningful.

I should have never pushed the garage door opener closed before I was completely in the garage.

I should have never let someone make me feel less important than they are.

I should have never been afraid to admit I was wrong.

I should have never stayed up all night working when I had an appointment the next morning.

I should have never responded quickly to an email that made me feel bad.

I should have never purchased the shirt that felt a little snug because I believed I would be thinner shortly.

I should have never promised to do something I was too busy to do because I was afraid to hurt the requestor’s feelings.

I should have never written this list...

P.S. I just said that bit about not writing this list because it rounded things up nicely. I actually think it is good to reflect on your life occasionally. One reason to study history is to attempt to not repeat past mistakes.

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